Postage & Delivery
UK - Mainland Standard Shipping Rates
3-5 business days from time of dispatch.
Prices are calculated automatically by the website. Add items to your cart and check at your order summary for the calculated price. The weight for your order is based on the table shown below.
All orders over 100KG are subject to a flat rate postage charge of £120*
Miniature Railway Workshop (Nottingham)
*Some Postcodes may incur additional costs and coaches may incur additional packing cost.
Item Weight Calculation
Item weights are estimates only. - For more product wights check product pages
The prices listed above are used for postage calculation. The actual product weights might differ slightly.
Non-Main Land and Global Shipping Rates
Please contact us for a quote.
We pay export charges that may be required by UK law (these may be charged back to the customer at our discretion.) MRW will display the true value of the consignment as required by law. It is the responsibility of the importer (you in this case) to settle any import charges that the import country may impose.
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