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A photographic history of Miniature Railway Workshop products and development. 


At MRW we know that having a track which slots together quickly and easily is a really important part of owning a portable railway. When you just want to get on with having fun and running trains you don't want to be delayed because you're looking around for "that special joiner piece". At MRW we offer a complete range of track in 71/4" and 5" gauges that can slot together in multiple configurations without having to resort to hammers.


We've also partnered with Abbots Model Engineering to provide locos and rolling stock so you can purchase a complete set with everything you need to build a portable miniature railway. Our range of Jubilee portable track can be laid in the garden or taken to the local fete. Complex track plans can easily be achieved with our range of straights, points and curves that have all been carefully designed in CAD and then tested. We are proud of our product and believe it is the best portable track solution available.


If you are looking for a portable miniature railway for hire we are always happy to recommend one of the ride on railways that we have supplied with MRW track,

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